Saturday, October 14, 2006


After a night upon the street, outside County Hall, LCC Press Officer Karen Spencer led Brian and myself to Council Chambers to watch democracy in action. We were both in our electric powered wheelchairs, in which we had sat throughout the previous night. Karen led us up past car park barriers and bollards. At our maximum speed of 2mph we were an odd 'crocodile' at 10.15am.

Karen remarked, having noted 'our' disabled Red Imp logo mascot, "You really should not deface our new logo." Shocked by her 'disability discrimination' I suggested, "Whilst 'she' may be constrained by her 'design manual', as a contributor to its
£40,000 'design fee purchase', I was less inhibited. Besides, some unfortunate Imps must need wheelchairs too." Naturally I invited her to sue me, and/or Red Imp, if she thought it appropriate.

Most strangely, at about 4.30pm Karen appeared again - at our pavement pitch - with a message from a 'mystery TV company' (Karen would not admit which). Apparently 'they' would be arriving at Newland around 6pm ? More pressing, and as Karen had no 'Imp molestation' Writ' upon her person, the looming rain and dark black clouds took Brian and my serious attension. As both ITV and BBC were now long gone - and heavy rain seemingly approached - at 5pm Brian and myself chose to 'make tracks'. If anyone believes we 'short changed' them by an hour in our 24 hour vigil, they may telephone me for a 60 minute chat. Could Karen really have wished for 'rain upon Red Imp's parade', whilst we awaiting in vain for imagined media ? Did Brian and myself rattle a Press Officer's tranquility so greatly ? Great ! A great day out.

Although economically distinctly different, Brian has a pension whereas I have savings, we both find the 'fairer charges' totally 'unfair'. We believed, as we paid our Taxes and NI contributions, our Society (as a whole) took on the responsibility of the weak (as a whole). Not expect the weakest to fill a hole in Council deficits ! Especially when £40K logos, £150K signage, £850 a day PR consultancy, are the preoccupation of an 'image conscience' Council !

Whichever way it is accounted, my own savings (those which someone else decides I have in excess) will reduce by £4,000 per year. A sum my past prudence, had not budgetted for in the future. If I live for 10 more years, a staggering £40,000 - the thoughts of which may kill me ! Meanwhile, should I survive, are denied to my continued independance - the life blood of my past career and family principles. Unfortunately I am not one of the 'nouveau riche' (pronounced "loadsa dosh"), enjoying life, sans Council Tax, with the enviable status of being Income Supported !

Clearly, due to savings and disability, I am punished twice over. An 'under class' indeed !

Thanks for the evening beers, Labour !

Thanks for the Egg Muffin breakfast, mystery kind woman !

Thanks for nothing, Conservative Council Executive !

Thanks for nothing, Christine Talbot ! (silly presumption, I was not alone)

Thanks for Caring, record ten "called-in" councillors !


Fingers, and toes, crossed during Thursday 26th October !



Blogger fairdealphil said...

Hi Richard.

Hope you and Brian have recovered from your all-nighter. It was good to meet you. Sorry we were not more successful in making the Executive rethink the proposal.

The call-in meeting will be next Thursday, 26th October at the council offices in Lincoln.

Will you be attending?

i've posted a link to your weblog on my own...

with best regards


11:16 am  

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