Sunday, November 19, 2006

TAKE 13 - "It's a wrap" !

As a result of LCC's 'fairer charges' home care price hike (up from £41 to £120 per week) economics dictate I must 'remain in bed' ! Within several days BBC 'Look North' got 'the news'.

After asking to interview me, in bed, on Wednesday 8th November at 9.40am as Wendy was about to catch our 'once weekly bus' for town, we selected another day. Heck, I'm not 'in bed' for 'TV fame', I'm there because I cannot afford the daily £18 to help 'get me out' !

Vicky Johnson - BBC Social Affairs Corespondent - and Dave (the cameraman) called in at home on Monday 13th November. By 11am, with floodlighting arranged, 'takes' 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 'in the can' - a taxi called to whisk them off for 1pm broadcast from Hull - 60 miles to the north. Now we had time to concentrate on the 'evening feature'. Thankfully Wendy had 'spruced me up' earlier - hair combed and shaved - for my TV debue. Half way into our 7th 'take' Wendy's brother telephones. "Just seen Rick on telly", he exclaimed. We continued with 'take 8'. Vicky and I had met a month earlier, on the steps of County Hall, and so I was becoming to feel "a natural" at this 'interview lark' !

Dave wanted a couple of 'atmospheric shots' and so 'takes' 10 and 11 are 'pan and zoom' - of myself looking 'thoughtfully' towaeds a picture of Princess Diana hung upon my wall. This picture - circa 1988 - shows HRH, my eldest son Dan and myself, when she visited our business premises in Grimsby - happier days, long past !

"All done" - Wendy asks if 'cups of tea' are wanted ? As Wendy 'brews', Dave 'films' and Vicky 'interviews' - the 'production' now all within the kitchen - whilst I am deserted, left alone in my bedroom.

Takes 12 and 13 clearly become the best, the most articulate, of the whole 'evening feature'. Wendy expressed all the 'failings' of the 'home care system' - far better than I ever could - and the Editors at Look North knew exactly what deserved a place on the 'cutting room floor'.

When I eventually get that DVD from BBC, a 'still' will be taken for 'posting' here. Meanwhile - a rare picture of Wendy, as I can no londer use my camera and she takes all 'my' snaps - pictures of herself are few.

Yes, Wendy, you are a Star, in so many ways - a Princess indeed !



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