Monday, December 25, 2006

CHRISTMAS - 1949 and 1998 recalled today 2006

My thoughts clearly reach back over those years to 1949 - to Marion, Auntie Kaye, Dad, Mum, Janet and Anna - upon Nanna's lap - for her own very first Christmas. Then on to our first spent at "Inglewood" in 1998, and until this particular year, our last before moving back South - after 35 years living within Lincolnshire.

Greetings to Mimi, Ja and Snoo - dearest sisters. Greetings to Dan and Tim - dearest sons. Greetings to sweet Wendy - dearest wife. All greatly treasured, every day !

Greetings to Tad and Duck - whilst absent, never forgotten dearest Parents.

Merry Christmas . . . to all and every visitor here on this special day.



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